Use of TS license server
(too old to reply)
Anders Biro
2006-06-29 08:23:26 UTC
Hello, we got a network (workgroup) consisting of three computers and
recently we purchased 15 User CAL and dedicated one of them to a TS license

The other two are TS servers in App mode and one of them have absolutely no
problems contacting the license server but the second one does not receive
any licenses at all.

I have even pointed both clients to the TS server with a registry tweak but
the second server refuse to acknowledge the existence of a TS server
although the network connection is just fine. is this problem familiar?
All servers are Win 2000

/Regards Anders
Anders Biro
2006-06-29 10:07:44 UTC
Dont mind this question as I found the problem already.
Post by Anders Biro
Hello, we got a network (workgroup) consisting of three computers and
recently we purchased 15 User CAL and dedicated one of them to a TS
license server.
The other two are TS servers in App mode and one of them have absolutely
no problems contacting the license server but the second one does not
receive any licenses at all.
I have even pointed both clients to the TS server with a registry tweak
but the second server refuse to acknowledge the existence of a TS server
although the network connection is just fine. is this problem familiar?
All servers are Win 2000
/Regards Anders