IE7 Favorites keep disappearing from Terminal Server Profile
(too old to reply)
Robert Aldwinckle
2007-05-04 13:54:57 UTC
(cross-post added to TS Clients)
"Matt" <***@comcast.net> wrote in message news:***@p77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com
Any ideas??
This or related symptoms have supposedly been attributed an AV.
Which AV are they using?

BTW I'm just echoing Kai's idea. I haven't seen anything like
this symptom myself.

Also, I'm not familiar with TS. Where are a client's Favorites kept?
FWIW during the beta a more common undiagnosed symptom was
that the URL= entry in the .URL files was somehow being deleted.
In order to try to get more details on that I suggested that people could
run FileMon filtering on fav but I don't know if that technique would
even be applicable in your scenario. E.g. if the monitoring would have
to be done on the server that would make it much less practical.
In that case perhaps auditing (e.g. using permissions on the directory)
would give you at least some clues about when the problem was happening
with less overhead?

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
Hi all,
I support a number of users who connect remotely via Terminal
Services. One of my users has lost all his IE7 favorites on the
Terminal Server 3 times in the last month. It's easy enough to just
re-import them to his terminal server profile from his office machine,
but I'm at a loss for why it keeps happening at all.
I might call it user error, but what makes me think it's not is that
all his folders are still in his favorites, but they're all empty! He
would have had to go into each folder and delete everything in each of
them for this to have been user error. If he deleted anything, all
his folders would have had to have been deleted also.
It's only happening to this one guy. All other users are working
Any ideas??
2007-05-04 18:00:58 UTC
Thanks for the reply Robert,

I've started a filemon on the folder inwhich the favorites are kept,
and will see what it tells me when it happens again.

Thanks for the great idea, and I'll post results if and when I get

