Restarting from start menu
(too old to reply)
Brad Palmer
2006-09-10 18:28:03 UTC
I've got a citrix presentation server 4.x, running on Windows 2000 Server. I
have enabled the local group policy on the server so that user's can't
'restart' the server. However I need to be able to have the Administrator
and some priveledged user to have that ability (to restart) How could I
accomplish this? As an added bonus, I'd also like them to NOT be able to
Shutdown the server

Thanks for your help

Vera Noest [MVP]
2006-09-10 20:07:07 UTC
If you use a domain-wide GPO in stead of a local policy, you can
filter it to not be applied to Administrators:

315675 - HOW TO: Keep Domain Group Policies from Applying to
Administrator Accounts and Selected Users in Windows 2000
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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Post by Brad Palmer
I've got a citrix presentation server 4.x, running on Windows
2000 Server. I have enabled the local group policy on the server
so that user's can't 'restart' the server. However I need to be
able to have the Administrator and some priveledged user to have
that ability (to restart) How could I accomplish this? As an
added bonus, I'd also like them to NOT be able to Shutdown the
Thanks for your help
D.K. [CCA]
2006-09-18 08:29:43 UTC
in some cases i publish an script with "tsshutdn /reboot" inside.
Post by Brad Palmer
I've got a citrix presentation server 4.x, running on Windows 2000 Server.
I have enabled the local group policy on the server so that user's can't
'restart' the server. However I need to be able to have the Administrator
and some priveledged user to have that ability (to restart) How could I
accomplish this? As an added bonus, I'd also like them to NOT be able to
Shutdown the server
Thanks for your help