Aaaah, but the situation has now actually changed, hasn't it?
protocol error. It needs to be fixed on the server, yes, as
described in KB 323597.
Post by Dr. BeardWell, please excuse if this is a duplicate post, but I didn't
I deleted the keys suggested and continued to get the same error
message: "The remote computer disconnected the session because
of an error in the licensing protocol. Please try connecting to
the remote computer again or contact your serve administrator."
Interestingly, now that XP pro is on the machine a liscense
appears on the Terminal Services Licensing control panel for the
computer. As we have deleted the keys several times, each time
a new connection is attempted, a new license is created under
Existing Windows 2000 licenses. The error message persists
however. There seems to be something else that needs to be
done. Does the suggestion in Article ID : 323597 apply or is
there some other fix that I should try? HELP!
Post by Vera Noest [MVP]I can't see any difference on my XP compared with the KB
article, the licensing information is stored under
HKLM\Software\Microsoft \MSLicensing, as described.
As always when editing the registry, back it up first, or at
least export the key you want to remove before actually
deleting it. Then you can always import it again if things go
wrong. I'd delete everything under MSLicensing.
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
--- please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ---
wrote on 17 dec 2004 in
Post by Dr. BeardI considered this but the technical bulletin refers to WIN 2K
and this problem is on the machine that is running XP pro.
So do the same instructions apply: the registry entry looks a
little different on the XP machine than the bulletin. Should
I just go ahead and delete the entire MSlicensing key?
Please advise.
Post by Vera Noest [MVP]187614 - Removing Terminal Server Licenses from an RDP
Vera Noest
MCSE,CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
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=?Utf-8?B?RHIuIEJlYXJk?= <Dr.
Post by Dr. BeardI have terminal services running on a Windows 2000 Server
computer and have had no problems connecting with machines
with XP pro. I have one user with a XP home machine who
has been able to connect for 90 days with a temporary
license which has now expired. She has upgraded to XP pro
but continues to get the same error message and won't let
her connect. I understood that the upgrade would get her
a license to log on with her RDP connection without
limits. How can I resolve this problem? I haven't been
able to find help on the MS knowledge base.