Printers - Event ID 6161 - Win32 error - Print Processor error: 3
(too old to reply)
2006-10-20 15:06:02 UTC
When a remote user logs onto my terminal server and attempts to print, and
error box is presented that states that an error has occurred. When I look
in the event log, I discover an error entry with an event id of 6161. The
error description states that a Win32 error has occured: "Win32 error code
returned by the print processor: 3." I have solicited help from various
peple that state solutions for event id of 61 and print processor errors of
3003 and 259. These are 'not' the errors I'm receiving. I have spent the
better part of a week trying to find a solution to this problem with no luck.
I have been using a Dell Dimension desktop as a terminal server and it does
not have this problem. I am trying to replace it with a Dell PE2800, which
is the one having this problem. Please help!!
Vera Noest [MVP]
2006-10-20 19:39:02 UTC
This is a printer driver issue.
Which make and model printer is this, and which driver do you use?

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___
Post by cdennis
When a remote user logs onto my terminal server and attempts to
print, and error box is presented that states that an error has
occurred. When I look in the event log, I discover an error
entry with an event id of 6161. The error description states
that a Win32 error has occured: "Win32 error code returned by
the print processor: 3." I have solicited help from various
peple that state solutions for event id of 61 and print
processor errors of 3003 and 259. These are 'not' the errors
I'm receiving. I have spent the better part of a week trying to
find a solution to this problem with no luck.
I have been using a Dell Dimension desktop as a terminal server and it does
not have this problem. I am trying to replace it with a Dell
PE2800, which is the one having this problem. Please help!!