Terminal Server Client Issue
(too old to reply)
2006-03-29 14:05:03 UTC
When have a windows 2000 terminal server we use to connect to our Microsoft
Buisness Solutions Greatplains APP. I have one user that connects and gets
very slow respone time while in the application. I can connect to the Term as
myself and then login in to greatplains as the user and the reponse time is
10 time faster.
I've deleted and recreated her ID and I still have the same issue. Can't
seem to figure this one out since it is only affecting on user.

The One
2006-03-30 17:00:57 UTC
When you say ID do you mean thier login account including user profile
folder in C:/Documents and settings/ or without? If you are just
recreating thier login it might be thier profile. Renaming thier
profile to user.bak or something and have them login to have windows
recreate the profile folder.
2006-03-30 18:19:03 UTC
I recreated there account in AD, renamed so it would recreate a new profile
in folder C:\Docmuments and settings\

Post by The One
When you say ID do you mean thier login account including user profile
folder in C:/Documents and settings/ or without? If you are just
recreating thier login it might be thier profile. Renaming thier
profile to user.bak or something and have them login to have windows
recreate the profile folder.